Howdy! Usually, in October, I'll change my name to Jess o'Lynntern on Twitter for the entire month. This is a popular tradition among creatives. It's a little late but I thought I'd drop a list of spooky alternations of (mostly) first, (but also) middle, & last names. These make a fun starting point, that benefit from more personalization.
Without further ado, let's get spooky!
Aaron: Aarheads Taffy / Bewaare-on / Waaronwolf / Aaron Of The (Candy) Corn
Abigail: Stabby / Abracadabra Alakazam! / Abbityville Horror / Abbyween / Abber's Fork / Abi-tail
Abraham: Stabby / Abracadabra Alakazam! / Abrityville Horror / Abryween / Aber's Fork / Fable
Abril: Stabby / Abracadabra Alakazam! / Abbityville Horror / Abbyween / Abber's Fork
Abigail: Stabby / Abracadabra Alakazam! / Abbityville Horror / Abbyween / Abber's Fork
Adelaide: Adder's Fork / M-addie Hatter / Addyween / Addie The Impaler / Adel-shade / Naiad
Adele: Adder's Fork / M-addie Hatter / Adele Spellman / Addyween / Addie The Impaler
Adeline: Adder's Fork / M-addie Hatter / Addyween / Addie The Impaler
Adrian: Adder's Fork / D-Adrien Grey / Adrien The Impaler / Blade-drien
Agatha: Aggieween / All Hallow's Agatha / Agger's Fork / D-Agger
Alexander: Al-hex / Allyween
Alexandra: Al-hex / Alyween
Alice: Alice Hallow's Eve / Alice-abel Lee / Alyween
Alicia: Alicia-bel Lee / Allyween
Alan: Alan Hallow's Eve / Alan Of The (Candy) Corn / Alien / Alyween / Talisman / Althazar
Allison: Asylum / Ally Hallow's Eve / Allabel Lee / Allyween
Alvin: Elvin / All Hallow's Alvin
Amanda: Almond-Joy-Ah! / Amanda Joy Bar / Mandy Corn / Pumpkin Shandy
Amaryllis: All Hallow's Amy / Alice-abel Lee / Alyween / Amytiville Horror / Amaryllis Famel / Amanita
Amaya: Amayatyville Horror / Amay-te Walker / Nightmare On Amaya Street / Amulet / Amanita
Amber: Ember / Silence Of The L-Amber / Amanita
Amelia: Ametyville Horror / All Hallow's Amelia / Amulet / Amanita
Amy: Amytiville Horror / All Hallow's Amy / Amulet / Amanita
Anderson: Andy Corn / Andyman / Andiathan / Bloody Andy / Children Of The Andy Corn / Ann Helsing
Andrea: Drusilla / Andy Corn / Andy Woman / Andiathan / Bloody Andy / Children Of The Andy Corn / Andrea Helsing / And-Druid
Andrew: Andy Corn / Andyman / Andiathan / Bloody Andy / Children Of The Andy Corn / Andrew Helsing / And-Druid
Angela: Fallen Angel / Raggedy Angela / Fang-gela / An-Gelert / An-Galatea
Angeline: Fallen Angel / Raggedy Angel / Fang-gel / An-Gelert / An-Galatea
Angelica: Fallen Angel / Raggedy Angel / Fang-gelica / An-Gelert / An-Galatea
Anita: Annabel Lee / Raggedy Ann / Annabelle Doll / All Hallow's Anna / Anita Helsing
Anna: Annabel Lee / Raggedy Anna / Annabelle Doll / All Hallow's Anna / Anna Helsing
Annabelle: Annabel Lee / Raggedy Ann / Annabelle Doll / All Hallow's Anne / Annabelle Helsing
Anne: Annebel Lee / Raggedy Anne / Annebelle Doll / All Hallow's Anne / Little Gorgon Annie / Anne Helsing
Annie: Annabel Lee / Raggedy Ann / Annabelle Doll / All Hallow's Anne / Ann Helsing
Anastasia: Annabel Lee / Raggedy Ann / Annabelle Doll / All Hallow's Anne / Ann Helsing
Annette: Annabel Lee / Raggedy Ann / Annabelle Doll / All Hallow's Anne / Ann Helsing
Anthony: All Hallow's Ant / Ant-thorny / Ant Helsing
Aoife: Aoife The Vampire Slayer
Apple: Candy Apple / Caramel Apple / Poison Apple
Apricot: Apple / Apricot Sesame! / Apparition / Sorcerer's Apricot
April: Apple / April Sesame! / Apparition
Archer: Torchure
Arlene: Jack Arlene-ton
Arianna: Ariannabel Lee / Raggedy Arianna / Ariannabelle Doll / All Hallow's Arianna
Ariel: Feral
Armond: Dormammu I have come for Treats!
Arnold: Slay Arnold! / Carnival
Arthur: Pumpkin King Arthur
Antonio: All Hallow's Ant / An-Thorny / Shadow
Arturo: Pumpkin King Arturo / Shadow
Ash: Slasher / Slash / Monster Ash
Ashley: Ash / Ashley Phantom / Monster Ash / Shasher / Slashley / Ghastly / Gastly
Astrid: Astral / Mask Dread
Aubrey: Aubrey-cadabra Alakazam! / Silence Of The L-Aubrey
Audrey: Audrey-cadabra Alakazam! / Silence Of The L-Audrey / Oddrey
August: Ogre / Foggy / Dagger
Ava: Ava Le Fey / Aviathan / Avalon / Ava Kadabra / Cad-ava-r
Barbara: Candy Bar-bara / Boo-bara
Baker: Bokor
Bartholomew: Bokoramew / Fairy-lomew
Beatrice: Bett-hemoth
Beatrix: Bett-hemoth / Trixie-Or-Treat!
Beth: Death / Belthazar
Bethany: Death-any / Belthazar-any
Benjamin: Benjamin Of The (Candy) Corn / Banshee-jamin
Bentley: Kill Ben Volume 3 / Ben-hemoth
Bill: Kill-iam / Kill-y / Kill Bill Volume 3
Black: Blackbeard / Black Pullett
Blair: Blair-heads Taffy
Bonnie: Bone-jour! / Bone Appétit! / Boo-nnie
Brett: Brett-hemoth
Brianna: Briannabel Lee / Raggedy Brianna / Briannabelle Doll
Brenda: Brenda Woman / Rend-a
Bridget: Bridget-hemoth
Brittany: Britt-hemoth / Kill Britt Volume 3
Brandon: Donnie Darko / Donnie Dreadful
Brandy: Pumpkin Shandy
Brant: Chant
Brook: Rook / Forsook
Bryan: Bryan Samedi / Dyin'
Bryson: Bry Manor
Byron: Byron Samedi / Dyin'
Cameron: Silence Of The Cam / Cam-Merlin
Candace: Candy Corn / Candy Woman / Candiathan / Bloody Candy / Candle
Carl: Snarl / Carl Hallow's Eve / Bloody Carl / Scarab / Fran- Carl-stein
Carlton: Carve-lton / Snarlton / Carl Hallow's Eve / Bloody Carl / Fran- Carl-stein
Carmela: Caramel / De-Car-pitated / Charm-ela
Carol: Car-all Hallow's Eve / Bloody Carrie / Scary / Car-Thrall / Scare-Carol / Scarab / Fran- Carol-stein
Carolyn: Car-all Hallow's Eve / Bloody Carrie / Scare-olyn / Caro-Thrall / Scarab/ Fran- Carol-stein
Carrie: Bloody Carrie / Scary / Cemet-Carrie / Scarab
Carrow: Crow
Casper: Casper The Friendly Ghost / Cas-modeus
Caspian: Casper The Friendly Ghost / Caspalisk
Cassandra: Cass-alisk / Bloody Cassie / Chaos-sandra
Catherine: Kit-Cat / Catie Dreadful / Cat-thulhu / Catacombs / Chaos
Cedric: Psychic / Dead-ric / Cetus
Chandler: Channeler
Charles: Charming Charlie / Chucky / Chocolate / Champ / Charm / Chaos
Charlie: Charming Charlie / Chucky / Chocolate / Champ / Charm / Chaos
Chase: Ichabod Chase / Chase o'Lantern
Chelsea: Chelsea Of The (Candy) Corn / Chelsea Smile / Cheshire Grin
Cheryl: Cheryl Hallow's Eve
Childeric: Childeric Of The (Candy) Corn / Childer-Trick / Childer-Wick
Christina: Chris-thulhu / Loch Chris Monster / Ch-rampus
Christopher: Chris-thulhu / Loch Chris Monster
Christian: Chris-thulhu / Loch Chris Monster / Ch-rampus
Ciara: Siren-a / Ciara Spellman / Ciarabel Lee / Ciarabelle Doll / Cia-real Killer
Cindy: Sin-thia / 80s Horror Synthia / Cinder / Cinnamon / Selkie
Clarissa: Clarissa Slays It All
Claudia: Claw-dia
Claudine: Claw-dine
Clay: Slay / Chaos
Clayton: Slay-ton / Chaos
Cooper: Coopy Doo / Nosfera-Coop
Cora: Coraline
Courtney: Courtney Dreadful / Orc-ney
Craig: Crag
Crystal: Crystal Ball / Crysterious
Cynthia: Sin-thia / 80s Horror Synthia / Cinder / Cinnamon
Dahlia: Dolly Martian / Dolly Duke Ness Monster / Dolly Le Fey / Thrally / Annabel Leah / Dolly Dreadful
Daisy: Pushing On Daisies / Daisy Duel / Daisy Duke Ness Monster
Damien: Damien Thorn / Demon / Damiathan
Damon: Demon / Damiathan
Daniel: Damned Daniel / Danny Phantom / Danny Dreadful / Daniathan
Danielle: Damned Danielle / Dani Phantom / Danny Dreadful / Daniathan
Daphne: Daphne Blake / Damned Daphne / Daphne Phantom / Daphne Dreadful
Darrell: Damned Darrell / Dary Phantom / Dary Dreadful / Bloody Dary / Scary
David: Dave Of The Dead / Davey Jone's Locker / Davey Dreadful / Bloody Davey
Dawn: Dawn Of The Dead
Deborah: Debbie Double Toil And Trouble / Debby Dreadful / Webbie / Webbra
Declan: Decomposing / Deck The Hallows / Deck The Thralls
Delilah: Delirious
Denise: Denny Dreadful / Damned Denny
Denison: Denny Dreadful / Damned Denny
Derek: Der-heads Taffy / Der-Trick / Der-Wick
Devon: Dev-iathan
Dexter: Hexter / Hex
Dianna: Die-Anne / Die-Annabel Lee / Dye Of Newt
Dimitri: Demon-itri / Demi Dreadful
Dimonda: Blood Diamond
Dominic: Demon-ic / Dom-iathan / Wis-Dom
Domonique: Demon-ique / Dom-iathan / Wis-Dom / Damned Domonique
(🡩This is how my family spells Domonique so to me, it's the default spelling.)
Dora: Aura
Dorothy: Dollywog / Dorian Grey / Dory Dreadful / Dor-iathan
Donald: Donnie Darko / Donnie Dreadful / Donald Puck
Drake: Dracula / Count Drake-ula
Dustin: Another One Bites The Dustin / From Dust To Dustin
Dwyer: Dwarf
Ed: Dead / Shred / Eddie Kruegar / Eddie Allan Poe / 1313 Dead Ed Drive / Drop Dead Ed
Edelweiss: Edel-Wisdom / Eder's Fork
Edgar: Edgar Allan Poe / 1313 Dead Ed Drive / Drop Dead Ed
Edric: Edric Allan Poe / 1313 Dead Edric Drive / Drop Dead Edric / Ed-Trick / Ed-Wick / Edric Grimoire
Edward: Dead-ward / Shredward / Eddie Kruegar / Edward Allan Poe / 1313 Dead Ed Drive / Drop Dead Ed / Magic Ward / Ed-Sword
Edwin: Dead-win / Shredwin / Eddie Kruegar / Edwin Allan Poe / 1313 Dead Ed Drive / Drop Dead Ed
Effy: Effy The Vampire Slayer / Elphaba
Eileen: I Scream / Eiloween / All Hallow's Eileen
Elenore: Hell-enore / Hell-en / H-Elle Woods / Sp-Elle-man
Elise: Hell-ise / H-Elise Woods / Sp-Elise-man
Elizabeth: Eliza-death / Eliza's Leg / Eliza Allan Poe / Eli-zombeth / Elizabe-lthazar / Eliza-Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Ella: Cruella / Hell-a / H-Ella Woods / Sp-Ell-man
Elliot: El-Riot / El-ite Walker / R-Ellioactive
Elma: Nightmare On Elma Street
Elmer: Nightmare on Elmer's Street
Eloise: Death Bellow-ise
Elsa: Van Helsa / Or Els-a
Emma: Emmy Phantom / Emma in The Paris Catacombs / H-emm-lock
Emmanuel: Manny Phantom
Emmett: Em-ite Walker
Enid: Cryptid
Ephraim: Silence Of The Ephraim
Eric: Eerie-ic / Eric-heads Taffy / Er-Shrek
Erica: Eerie-ica / Erica-heads Taffy
Erin: Eerie-in / Werinwolf / Erin Of The (Candy) Corn / Bloody Erin / Siren
Ernest: Harvest / Ernest In Peace / Ernest In Pieces / Furnace
Ethel: Death-el
Eva: All Hallows' Eva / Evalon / Evil
Eve: All Hallows' Eve / Evalon / Evil
Evelyn: All Hallows' Eve / Evalon / Evilyn
Evan: Evan Allan Poe / All Hallow's Evan / Evan Of The (Candy) Corn / Evil
Evangeline: All Hallows' Evangeline / Evalon / Eviline
Ezekiel: Ez-orcist / Crypt Zeeker / Zeekers Creepers / Eek!
Felicia: Boo, Felicia!
Ferrara: Fiery / Fury / Harper's Ferrara
Finn: Fenrir
Fox: Foxglove
Frank: Frankenstein / Frank Einstein / Prank
Frederick: Freddie Kruegar / Dead-erick / Fredgar Allan Poe / 1313 Fred End Drive / Drop Dead Frederick / Fred Jones
Frida: Freed A. Demon / Blue Freed
Gabino: Damned Gabino / Gabino Acid
Gabriel: Damned Gabriel
Gabriella: Gabby Phantom
Gary: Gary-goyle / Garnet / Scary / Be Wary Of Gary / Gremliny
Gene: Genie
Geoffrey: Geoff o'Lantern / Geoffrey Dreadful
George: Gourd / George o'Lantern
Gertrude: Nosfera-True / Fortune
Gilmore: Grimoire / Grimoire Girls
Ginger: Ginger Snaps / Ginger Root
Gordon: Gourd-on / Nazgûl-don / Gore / Gorgon
Graham: Silence Of The Graham
Granger: Ranger Of The North / Strider
Grant: Chant
Greg: Old Gregg
Gretchen: Wretched / Witchen
Gwendolyn: Wendy The Good Little Witch
Hadrien: Hades
Hailey: Hell-y / Flay-ley / Say-ley / Hades
Hannah: Hannabel Lee / Raggedy Hannah / Hannabelle Doll / All Hallow's Hannah / Channeler
Hannalore: Nevermore / Channeler
Harley: Harley Rabid-bun / Harley Sin / Harleen Arsenal
Harold: Happy Haroldween! / Happy Harryween!
Harriet Mad Hattie
Harry: Happy Harryween! / Harper's Harry
Harper: Harper's Ferry
Harvey: Harvest
Hazel: Witch Hazel
Heather: Heath Bar / Ether / Stormy Weather
Henry: Mad King Henry / Pumpkin King Henry
Hillary: Hell-ary / The Hillary Has Eyes / Spell-ary
Holly: Hollywog
Hugo: Hewn / Yew / Hoodoo
Hunter: Haunter / Snipe Hunt
Ian: Blue Ian-ie
Ida: Sp-ida / Strid-a
Ike: Ike-abod Crane / Ike And Mike
Ingrid: Cryptid
Ivan: All Hallow's Ivan / Ivan Of The (Candy) Corn
Jack: Jack o'Lantern, Jack Skellington / The Ripper / Attack / Jackie Lanty / Jack Of The Pox
Jacqueline: Jackie o'Lantern / Jackie Skellington / Jackie The Ripper / Jackie Lanty / Jackie Of The Pox
Jamie: Jamie o'Lantern / Jamie Dreadful
Jake: Doctor Jakyll / Jinkies / Jake The Dead / Joker / Jake The Ripper / Cackle
James: James o'Lantern / Jimmy Dreadful / Djinn
Jane: Jane o'Lantern / Janey Dreadful / Janey Phantom
Janice: Jan o'Lantern / Janey Dreadful / Janey Phantom
Jasmine: Jinx / Jas-modeus
Jason: Jason Voorhees / Jase o'Lantern / Slay-son / Flay-son
Jasper: Jasper The Friendly Ghost / / Will-O-Jasper
Jean: Blue Jean-ie
Jeffrey: Jeff o'Lantern / Jeffrey Dreadful
Jennifer: Jen o'Lantern / Jenny Dreadful / Jenibod Crane / Jennabel Lee / Jennabelle Doll / Jenny Phantom
Jerome: Jerry o'Lantern / Jerry Dreadful
Jessica: Jess o'Lantern / Jessie Dreadful / Jessibod Crane / Jessabel Lee / Jessabelle Doll / Jesster
Jim: Jimmy Dreadful / Djinn / Beetlejim
Joan: Bone / Joanabod Crane / Joanabel Lee
Joanna: Bo-anna / Joannabod Crane / Joanna Dreadful / Joannabel Lee
Joel: Fowl / Scowl / Owl / Howl / Soul
John: Davey John's Locker / Here's Johnny! / Johnny Bravado
Jonah: Davey Jonah's Locker
Jordan: Damned Jordan / Danny Phantom / Danny Dreadful / Daniathan
Joseph: Joe Of Frog
Joshua: Joshing Around / Joshing For Apples
Jude: Bad Juju / Rue / Beetlejude
Judith: Bad Juju / Rue This / Hoodooth / Beetlejudith
Julia: Giulia Tofana / Beetlejulia / Bad Juju
Julian: Giulian Tofana / Beetlejulian / Bad Jujulien /
Juliet: Giuliet Tofana / Beetlejuliet / Bad Jujuliet
June: Bad Jujune / Rune / Hoodoon / Beetlejune / Fort-june
Juniper: Juniper Berry / Beetlejuniper / Juni Per Jones Locker
Justin: Another One Bites The Justin / No Justin, No Reese's Pieces / From Dust To Justin
Kaitlin: Kit-Kait / Katie Dreadful / Kait-thulhu / Kaitacombs / Chaos
Karen: Karenwolf / Karenbod Crane
Katherine: Kit-Kat / Katie Dreadful / Kat-thulhu / Katacombs / Chaos
Keith: Rest In Keith
Kelly: Kelpie
Kelsey: Kill-sey / Kel-thulhu / Kelsey Of The (Candy) Corn / Kelsey Smile
Kendra: Hydra / Centaur
Kendrick: Ken-Trick / Ken-Wick / Kendrick Grimoire / Centaur
Kenneth: End-Death / Centaur
Kevin: Pump-Kevin / Pumpkin Kevin
Kimberly: Grimberly / Kim-thulhu
King: [first name] Skellington / Pumpkin King / Pumpking (assuming King is a last name)
Kirk: Lurk / Orc
Kirstin: Curse / Thirstin' For Blood / Kirs-thulhu / Skittles
Klaus: Haunted Klaus / Klaus on Haunted Hill
Kristen: Thirstin' For Blood / Kris-thulhu / Loch Kris Monster
Kyle: Kyle Bill Volume 3 / Defile / Vile / Bile
Lana: Lanabod Crane / Annabel Lana / Raggedy Lana
Lane: Ichabod Lane / Annabel Lane / Raggedy Lane
Larry: Ichabod Larry / Harper's Larry / Lair-y / Wary / Beware-y
Laszlo: Lazarus
Laura: Lore-a / Gore-a / Laurona / Horror / Laura The Good Witch Of The South / Laura The Good Witch Of The North / Laur-oboros
Leah: Annabel Leah / Nosfera-Leah / Leah-rona / Oleander
Leif: Leaf / Wraith
Leonard: Pyro / Leo Ness Monster / Nosfera-Leo / Leonardo DiCapitated / Oleander
Leonardo: Leo Ness Monster / Nosfera-Leo / Leonardo DiCapitated / Oleander
Lewis: Rue This / Lew-ess Monster / Nosfera-Lou
Liam: Golem
Lindsey: Lindsor Truffle / Tower Of Lindon
Logan: Logan Le Fey / Wolverine / Logan Berry Pie
Lorelie: Lor-acabra / Nosfera-Lore / Lore Ness Monster / La Lorel-ona / Lor-oboros / Rory Grimoire / Lorelie Grimoire
Loretta: Lor-acabra / Nosfera-Lore / Lore Ness Monster / La Lorel-ona / Scarletta / Lor-oboros
Louis: Lou Ness Monster / Nosfera-Lou / Loupine
Luca: Luc Ness Monster / Luc-acabra / Nosfera-Lou / Lupa
Lucas: Luke Ness Monster / Luc-acabra / Nosfera-Lou / Lupine
Lucinda: Lucifer / Luc-acabra / Nosfera-Lu / Lupinda
Lucy: Lucifer / Luc-acabra / Nosfera-Lu / Lupine
Luke: Luke Ness Monster / Luc-acabra / Nosfera-Luke / Lupine
Lydia: Lyndsor Truffle
Lynette: Lynnie Dreadful / Tower Of Lyndon
Lynn: [first name] o'Lynntern (assuming Lynn is a middle or last name) / Lynnie Dreadful / Luna
Lyra: Lyra Burn And Cauldron Bubble / Pyre / Fire-a / Lyre Manor
Madeline: Mad Hatter / Mad The Impaler
Madison: Mad Hatter
Maeve: Maevey Jone's Locker / Grave
Mallory: Mal Hallow's Eve / Maleficent
Mandy: Pumpkin Shandy
Margaret: Magic / Margot Le Fey / Muffy The Vampire Slayer
Margot: Magic / Margot Le Fey / Fargo / Pegasus / Mar-goyle
Marissa: Marissabod Crane / Bloody Marissa / Marissa Shelley / Mary Le Fey / Marewolf / Issy Devil / Furnace-a / Mar-goyle
Mark: Mark Ness Monster / Hello Markness / Markness My Old Friend / Markness My Old Fiend / Mar-goyle
Marlen: Martian / Marlen Le Fey / Mar-goyle
Marlow: Marlow Le Fey / Bloody Marlow / Mar-goyle
Marsha: Dead Marsh-a / Marcie Devil / Mar-goyle
Marshall: Marshall Adder's Fork / Dead Marsh-all
Martha: Mar-goyle
Martin: Smarties / Martian / Mar-goyle
Marvin: Carvin' / Martian / Mar-goyle
Mary: Bloody Mary / Mary Shelley / Mary Le Fey / M-erewolf / Scary
Mason: Mason Voorhees / Haunted Mason / Mace
Matthew : Matt Hatter / Mattie The Impaler / Lestat / Wrathew
Matilda: Matt Hatter / Mattie The Impaler
Maude: Sweetie Maude / Sweeney Maude
Maureen: Moe Of Frog / Maureen Le Fey / As-moe-deus
Maven: Mevan Le Fey / Raven / Bloody Maven / Graven / Mavey Jone's Locker
May: Fae / Slay
Maximus: M-axe Murderer
Megan: M3GAN / Megan Le Fey / Bloody Megan
Melany: Hell-any / Mel La Fey / Bloody Melany
Melissa: Hell-issa
Melody: Haunting Melody / Murdery / Medusa
Michael: Mi-kill / Mi-cull / Magic Mike / Michael Myers / Spike / Pike
Micah: Mike Ness Monster / Magic Micah / Micah Myers / Bloody Micah
Michelle: Miss Hell / Michelle Le Fey / Mish On A Star
Mikayla: Mik-thulhu / Mikaybod Crane / Mikay Le Fey / Trick-ayla / Wick-ayla
Miller: Miller Klown / Killer
Mindy: Tower of Mindon / Mindy Le Fey / Bloody Mindy
Minerva: Minnie Dreadful / Bloody Minnie / Minigami
Miranda: Mire / Pumpkin Shandy
Misty: Mistress / Mystique / Mystical / Mysterious
Molly: Mollywog / Molly Le Fey / Thrally / Crowley / Moll-ing Spices
Monique: De-Monique
Morgan: Morgan/a Le Fey / Organ / M-Ogre / Gorgon
Moses: Moe Of Frog / Hocus Moses / Moss
Naomi: Gnome
Natalia: Bat-alia / Night-alia
Natalie: Bat-alie / Night-alie
Nathaniel: Levia-Nathan / Loch Ness Nathan
Nicholas: Snickers Bar / Trick-olas / Wick-olas / Wiccan-olas / Skitt-olas / Necropolis
Nick: Snickers Bar / Trick / Wick / Skittles
Nicole: S-Nicole Bar / Wick-ole / Wiccan-ole / Necropolis
Nilsson: Noose-in / Kill-Sin / Crimson / Arson
Nina: Blue Neanie
Norma: Para-Norma / Norma-Star
Norman: Para-Norman
Oliver: Olliwog / Night Of The Oliver Dead / Oliver Death Knell / Crow-liver / Liver
Olivia: Olliwog / Night Of The Olivia Dead / Livia Dead / Liver
Olsen: Arson
Orpheus: Metamorphosis / Murderous / Morbius
Orson: Poison / Headless H-Orson (Around) / Arson / Gruesome
Oscar: Wizard Of Oscar / Ooze-scar
Oswaldo: Wizard Of Ozwald / Ozzy / Ozbourne / Oozewald
Owen: Omen / Owen-cadabra Alakazam! / Owen Sesame!
Paige: Mage / Rage / Sage / Pagan / Rampage
Pamela: Pamkin Queen
Paris: Paris Catacombs / Paris Chango
Pascal: Hocus Pascal/Pasquale
Patricia: Bat / Batty / Patty Dreadful
Patrick: Patkin King / Patty Dreadful
Paul: Paul-O-Ween / Paul-tergeist
Penelope: Fillet of a Penny Snake / Penny Dreadful
Percival: Archival / Show No Percy / Bloody Percy
Peter: Petros Griffin / Peter Jacks o'Lantern / Peter Pandemonium
Petra: Petrified
Philip: Unexplained Phil-omenon
Philomena: Unexplained Philomenon
Phyllis: Unexplained Philomenon
Piper: Pied Piper / Viper
Pollyanna: Pollywog / Paranormal / Pollyannabel Lee / Raggedy Pollyanna / Pollyannabelle Doll / Polly Le Fey / Thrally
Poppy: Poppet / Pop-py Rocks / Poppy Halloween! / Poppen Sesame! / Poppy Dreadful / Hocus Poppy / Poppy Hollow
Prudence: Prudence Of The Lambs
Rachel: Rach-Hell / Penny Rachel
Ralph: Rend-It-Ralph
Ramona: Moe Of Frog / Remedios / Tombstone-a
Ray: Slay / Flay / Ray Stack / Haunted Ray Ride / Wrath
Raymond: Ring-Wrayth / Slay-mond / Flaymond / Tombstone
Reagan: Pagan / Ragin' / Blood Reag-le
Rebecca: R.I.P. Ecca / Rebecca Blackbeard / Reb-tilian / Rebel Arson
Reese: Reese's/Rhys' For Breakfast / Reese's/Rhys' Puffs / Rest in Reese's/Rhys' Pieces
Renee: Decay
Renaldo: Skittles / Where's Renaldo?
Ricardo: Rick-ed Witch of the West / Lichardo / T-Rick / Wickardo / Wicc-ardo
Richard: Resting Witch-ard Face / 100% That Witch-ard / Basic Witch-ard / Scarlet Rich / Trickard / Wickard / Richard Grimoire
Rick: Rick-ed Witch of the West / Lich / T-Rick / Wick
Riley: Riled / Reviley / Viley
Robert: Bobbing For Apples / Goblin / Bog / Robweb / Bobweb / Boby Yaga
Rohan: Ro-Of-Frog
Roman: Demon / Ro-Of-Frogman
Ronald: Ronnie Darko / Ronnie Dreadful
Rosa: Poison Rose / Briar Rose
Rosantha: Poison Rose / Briar Rose / Remedios
Rose: Poison Rose / Briar Rose
Ruby: Tomb-y
Russel: Old Rustle Bridge
Ryan: Dyin' / Ryan Broomstick
Sadie: Sadie The Impaler / Shady / Pumpkin Shandy
Salvatore: Salkie / Salva-Mordor
Samantha: Silence of the Sam / Baron Samantha / Damned-antha / Samael
Samuel: Silence of the Sam / Baron Samuel / Samael
Sandra: Sandy Apple / Sandy Corn / Apple Shandy / Pumpkin Shandy
Sarah: Sarah Spellman / Sarahbel Lee / Sarahbelle Doll
Savannah: Savannabel Lee / Raggedy Savannah / Savannabelle Doll / All Hallow's Savannah
Scarlett: Scare-A-Lot / Scarlett Witch / Scarlett Lich
Scott: Scottie Doo
Seamus: Shaman / Shaggy
Sedgwick: Sedg-wicked / Sedg-Wicca / Sedg-wick
Seth: Death
Shannon: Silence of the Shan / Baron Shanedi / Shanigami
Sharon: Charon
Shaun: Shaun Of The Dead / Hell Shawn / Demon Shawn / Shaunigami
Shayna: Shayna Of The Dead / Shaynabel Lee / Raggedy Shayna / Shaynabelle Doll / Shaynigami
Sheila: Bloody Mary Sheila / Shuriken
Shirley: Shuriken
Sidney: 80's Horror Synth-ney
Silas: Silas Of The Lambs / Scythe-las / Sirius / Cyanide
Simon: Simon Of The Lambs / Scythe-on / Tombstone
Sloane: Soul / Sloane Of The Lambs / Tomb-Sloane
Smith: Poison Granny/Grampy Smith Apple / Smitty Werbenjägermanjensen / Smite
Sol: Lost/Wandering Soul
Sophia: Soul-phia
Stacy: Stazy Bones
Stanley: Stan Helsing
Stephan: Stefcon One / Stefiathan
Stephanie: Stefcon One / Stefiathan
Steven: All Hallow's Steve
Sullivan: Skullivan / Skully / Slay-ivan
Susan: Open Sue-same! / Nosfera-Sue
Suzanne: Open Sue-same! / Nosfera-Sue / Arson
Sven: Sven Of The (Candy) Corn / Sveniathan / Sphinx
Sylvan: Sylv-ampire / Sly
Sylvia: Sylv-ampire / Sly
Taylor: Vamp-aylor
Terrance: Harper's Terry / Terror / Ceme-Terry / Ter-antula
Thelma: Nightmare On Thelma Street
Theodore: Deaddy / Shreddy / Teddie Kruegar / Teddie Allan Poe / 1313 Dead Ted Drive / Drop Dead Ted
Theresa: Harper's Terry / Theresabel Lee / Theresabelle Doll / Terror / Ceme-Terry / Ther-antula
Thomas: Tom Of Dog / Tobi / Tomb-ie / Zombie
Timothy: Ti-Mummy / Ti-Mothman / Tim-Thulhu / Grimm / Timmy Dreadful / Djinn - Tomb-othy
Tina: Pol-Tina-geist
Tobin: Tobey Ghost Choir / Tobi
Todd: Odd / Todd The Impaler / Sweetie Todd
Tony: All Hallow's Tony / Tony Of Frog / Tobi
Torrance: Ceme-Tory / Tor-antula
Tracy: Trazy Bones / Trebuchet
Tricia: Trish On A Star! / Wicked Trish Of The West
Trixie: Trixie-Or-Treat! / Twix-ie / Nixie
Tulip: Tulpa
Twyla: Twilight
Tyler: Vamp-Tyler / Tyrant
Valerie: Val-ampire / Valkyrie
Vanessa: Vampire Essa / Dark Vanessa / Van Nessa Monster
Velma: Velma Dinkley / Nightmare on Velma Street
Veronica: Ver-ampire
Victoria: Vickabod Crane / Victorian / Wicktoria / Wiccatoria
Vincent: Vin-pire / Vincent Of The (Candy) Corn
Vladimir: Vlad The Impaler
Violet: Violet Delights
Walter: Walter-geist / Altar
Wanda: Wand-a / Scarlet Witch / Wanda Maximoff / The Wanda Chooses The Wizard
Waylon: Lon Ness Monster
Wendy: Wendy The Good Little Witch
White: White Walker / Fright / Night / Knight
Whitney: Whit Walker / Whitney The Good Little Witch / Whit-O-Wisp
Wilbert Ulfberht / Wil-O-Wisp
Wilhelmina: Willa The Good Little Witch / Wil-O-Wisp
William: Kill-iam / Kill-y / Kill Bill Volume 3 / Will-O-Wisp
Willow: Weeping Willow / As Above, So Willow / Willow Wisp
Wilson: Kill-Sin / Crimson / Arson
Winifred: Wendy The Good Little Witch
Wisteria: Mysteria / Ministry Of Mystery
Wren: Wren Of The (Candy) Corn / Wreniathan
Wyatt: Wyatt Halliwell / Wyatt Walker / Wy Manor
Xavior: Warrior / Terror / Hex-avior / X-orcist
Zack: Zack The Ripper / Attack
Zelda: Zelda Spellman / Spell-da
Zeek: Crypt Zeeker / Zeekers Creepers / Eek!
Maybe we can't all be Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way but we can all don spooky names for what time calls for it. Also, Autumn, Ophelia, Raven, Sage, Luna, etc, are peak Halloween and I doubt I could spookify them.
Hopefully you found your name here! I'm out of room or I'd keeping adding more. Thanks for stopping by! I drop a new blog every Monday. Toodles!